2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


每年必來高雄港都朝聖的超嗨啤酒音樂派對,2018高雄啤酒音樂節,今年邁入10週年特別盛大慶祝大牌明星歌手,各家啤酒商,高雄在地餐廳攤販一同嗨翻高雄夢時代,大胃米粒今年第二年參加活動,真的覺得一年比一年用心,可惜活動只有三天,根本喝不夠!玩不夠,不管是來過朋友或是沒來過朋友,就讓米粒帶領大家回味當日活動現場,大家便能準備參與明年 2019高雄啤酒音樂節,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival is a must go party for fans all over the world to come to Kaohsiung and celebrate every year. As it is their 10th year anniversary, many famous pop singers, various beer suppliers and local Kaohsiung restaurants come and rock Kaohsiung Dream Mall. This is my 2nd time coming to this festival, and I can feel that they are doing better and better. However, there are only 3 days, which is just not enough time to have a blast! No matter if you have come or not, let me bring you back to the event day so that you can be more prepared for 2019 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,




2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival lasts three days between 2018/7/6-2018/7/8. It is held opposite to Kaohsiung Dream Mall every year. I remember few days before the festival, it was raining heavily everyday in Kaohsiung, so we were really worried about that.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



However, God was nice to us during the 3 days, he gave us beautiful sunny days. Even though there were drizzles, but it couldn’t put of the fire of the beer lovers. It was all crowded for the entire 3 days!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


You can see a stage for photography and tagging once entered, so friends together can come and mark their visit.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


We came here at the 1st and 3rd day within the 3-day event, and we received different colour wristbands!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,




Since 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival is their 10th anniversary, 7-11 as their event organizer invited more beer vendors as usual to celebrate this event. They just want everybody to come to Kaohsiung and drink fun!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,




If you purchased a combo pass, you just need to check-in and receive your gift from the information centre. There are also many 10th year anniversary merchandise products for you to choose, such as black/white t-shirts, bags or towels.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

只要購買A或B組合商品,即可免費獲得 高雄啤酒節xLevi’s聯名款時尚後背包




If you purchase Combo A or B, you can receive a ‘Levi’s x Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival’ backpack. This backpack is really cool and their souvenirs are so worth collecting, so there are so many people buying. We can see loads of people wearing this fashionable backpack. I also got one on the last day, making me every excited!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

7-11 CITY CAFE x 7-11 ibeer生釀啤酒



當日大家都能進入全台唯一CITY CAFE 城市咖啡誌,



People can see the only CITY CAFÉ magazine in Taiwan once they enter the venue. You can take a magazine photo with Kui Lunmei!
I really like this slogan!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

7-11 ibeer生釀啤酒

去年上市的7-11 ibeer生釀啤酒,可是7-ELEVEn自有品牌iseLect與ASAHI朝日酒廠合作開發,


Last year 7-11 ibeer was launched, which is the home brand of 7-ELEVEN cooperating with ASAHI. We bought it on the last day, as 4 big bottles and 2 extra dishes cost only $200, which both taste nice and worthy!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


People are coming in as time goes later, its very crowded!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



由於活動當時正好是 2018世足賽,前四強對決賽,



The largest beer vendor is Budweiser. It happens to be semi-finals for 2018 World Cup, so the entire venue was decorated as a football court, with live broadcasting at night. There were sales girls wearing red and white sports outfit, they were super hot!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


There were special football games for visitors to play with.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


大家進去紛紛PUT YOUR HANDS UP,身體跟著音樂一起動次動次!

They have even invited a DJ to warm up the heat, so everybody went in to PUT THEIR HANDS UP, with their body moving along the beats.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



During the hot summer, there were plenty of sales girls for beer, so there were also lots of photographers bringing all their equipment to shoot.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


Every beer vender gave out free drinking samples, so if you like it, you can buy it. You can get beer way cheaper from vendors outside.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



The host is very good at bringing up the heat, and you can also get free gifts after joining a game.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



首先就是米粒上次分享 第6屆高雄啤酒節下酒菜,打敗10強店家組的前兩名優勝餐廳

深受國光幫幫忙藝人喜愛的 支支紅麻辣冷鍋串串,(店家介紹請點此),



Don’t worry if you get hungry while walking all around. There are so much delicious food around! First of all, its what I shared last time: 支支紅麻辣冷鍋串串. They were so beloved by many artists, and it beat 10 other restaurants in the 6th Kaohsiung Beer Festival Snack Food Contest. There were also all kinds of food boiling in the pot, and you can smell the spices when you approach them.
Lots of visitors came and tried out the food and they loved it! It is the best when it pairs with beer!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


再來是去年也有進入高雄啤酒節會場的 阿榮海鮮鵝肉,(店家介紹請點此),



The next one is 阿榮海鮮鵝肉. They also won this year! Every dish from them are really good to accompany with beer. You don’t need to go to their store and try out different fried or stir fried food!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,






These restaurants also won their spots as they were chosen by 3 judges after tasting many delicious restaurants. These are representatives of local street food.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



Look at all these skews! They are all seductive! With beer it is super awesome!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



Pizza can be made after order, they look really good with Lemon Chicken!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,




特別邀請兩位明星型男 黃鐙輝、曾子余與評審組成特搜隊前往德國慕尼黑找尋德國傳統美食,

Since this is the 10th year anniversary of of Kaohsiung Beer Festival, they wanted to sincere to the 100-year festival, Oktoberfest. They invited two gorgeous stars 黃鐙輝、曾子余 as their judges to Munich to find traditional German food.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

現烤德國豬腳搭配已有400年歷史的 德國HB慕尼黑皇家啤酒,整個超對味!


Roasted German pig feet have a history of 400 years. HB beer with pig feet match so much together! The point is, there was also a hot German guy!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

▲ KL樂高雄貨櫃市集,Kaohsiung Legend貨櫃市集,

接著要跟大家分享高雄即將引起熱夯的打卡景點 KL樂高雄貨櫃市集,



Now I would like to share the most favourable check-in spot, KL樂高雄貨櫃市集, they will launch in Kaohsiung late July. They invited a lot of traditional restaurants to cute containers, just like Lego.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

▲ iCUBE樂高雄貨櫃市集-享溫馨KTV,




One of them is享溫馨KTV, which was everyone’s youth memory . They served their own signature braised food and fried food. There were lots of people at their store! Almost everyone had salt chicken with cold beer and brought them to the stage to sit down and eat!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

▲ iCUBE樂高雄貨櫃市集-老四川辣鍋,

還有高雄鄉親最愛吃的 老四川麻辣鍋,



There was also老四川麻辣鍋, the favourite of Kaohsiung people. This container stall also brought their signature spicy noodles and spicy braised food. We bought their food on the last day, and the spicy noodles suits really well with plum juice!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

▲ iCUBE樂高雄貨櫃市集-BUS炸雞,




The combination of fried chicken and beer is recognized as the best.
The most popular stall was BUS炸雞, there were so many people lining up to buy food. We saw that it was too crowed to fit in, if anyone wants to try out their food, they can go to their market place in August.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

▲ iCUBE樂高雄貨櫃市集-浪人酒造,



Local craft beer浪人酒造 came last year. I tried their beer before, their beer tastes heavy, perhaps men will like them.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



There were plenty of seats in the festival to dine. People can order their food and beer and just sit down to enjoy them! You can also drink with strangers, which is really fun!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,




2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

▲Lay’s 樂事洋芋片




Not only there were beers, but also other vendors. One of them is Lay’s chips. They installed a large claw machine. You can draw as any bags of chips you want in a limited time. We saw many visitors walking away with 4-5 bags, super awesome!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



Fresh new version were stacked together, and you can try out a free cocktail once you check-in. We drank a lot of Sarsi, very great!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,



They also added a VR game vendor, and they invited gamers to battle, which is very exciting!

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,




Games from different vendors are so fun, but the biggest heat is of course live performances of famous pop singers! There were different singers for 3 different days. We came for the 1st and 3rd day.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


There was also a contest for eating biscuits.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

▲滅絕師太 黃小琥

第一天聽到高雄之光-滅絕師太 黃小琥唱歌,現場功力果然厲害!


The first night we got to here 黃小琥 from Kaohsiung to sing. She was indeed awesome! She sang a lot of songs without stopping, and everyone was enjoying.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,




The third day 彭佳慧, she sang a lot of old songs. We can feel the rhythm of Kaohsiung, very nice.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,


There were so many audiences! It is fun to see everyone waving their hands in this beer music festival.

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party, 2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,




Thanks to all those beer vendors, this 10th year festival is very fun and splendid! After reading my review, are you tempted to join the next year event? Don’t forget to bring your friends along to celebrate

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,

2018 Kaohsiung Beer Music Festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary, super beer music party,








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